
2022年11月22日 11:28:56 76阅读 0评论

kepler, johannes



english version:


kepler, johannes

german astronomer. born into a poor family, he received a scholarship to the university of tübingen. he received an ma in 1594, after which he became a mathematics teacher in austria. he developed a mystical theory that the cosmos was constructed of the five regular polyhedrons, enclosed in a sphere, with a planet between each pair. he sent his paper on the subject to tycho brahe, who invited kepler to join his research staff. in attempting to understand atmospheric refraction of light, he became the first to explain accurately how the eye sees, how eyeglasses improve vision, and what happens to light in a telescope. in 1609 he published his finding that (中文邮件格式:邮件的主题是为了让收件人看到邮件之后对该邮件有个大体了解,确定邮件的紧急、重要程度、有效、有用性的;所以在写主题的时候最主要的突出 什么事、重要程度等关键信息;可以按照以下方式和思路去写:格式:修饰词+邮件内容+时间+发件人。如果有必要的话还可以在主题上加上紧急程度和邮件的主体内容,清晰明了。)the orbit of mars was an ellipse and not the perfect circle hitherto presumed to be the orbit of all celestial bodies. this fact became the basis of the first of kepler's laws of planetary motion. he also determined that planets move faster as they near the sun, and in 1619 he showed that a simple mathematical formula related the planets' orbital periods to their distance from the sun. in 1620 he defended his mother from charges of witchcraft, thereby preserving his own reputation as well.






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